Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Everything absent is in fact the presence of something else. The absence of love is in fact the presence of loneliness, of despair. The absence of darkness is in fact the presence of light. The concept of nothingness. Is there such a thing as nothing? can nothing really exist? if nothing exists than it is something, and something cannot be nothing, therefore nothing cannot exist. There is no such thing as nothing. Emptiness does not exist. Everything is something and has something. Emptiness and voids are an illusion. No place in the universe is devoid of matter. Where there is matter, there is something. There is information. There are instructions. The universe is a bug-free software. The quarks, muons, leptons, neutrinos behave the way they were programmed by the Creator. The way they were told. Ordered. That is information. Even the smallest unknown as yet undiscovered particle contains information and instructions. The magnitude of the order in the Universe is truly unfathomable. His universe. It is symmetrical and beautiful beyond comprehension.

Since nothingness cannot exist as even nothingness would be something and so would have a placeholder, the universe becomes just an object. An object in a series of objects. In a much bigger scheme of things. Do the same laws hold outside of it? All we can ever know is what we have been told and been confined to. Our minds, perception, observation and intelligence is confined to the laws that strictly hold the universe together. The laws made by the Maker, the Creator.

Why are we searching for intelligent life elsewhere? Because for the ones who understand the truly massive scale of the universe, the ones who have their eyes and minds trained to the heavens, its incredibly lonely. Illogically so. What is a bigger quest? to understand the secrets of the universe? or to understand the mind of its Creator? His reasons? why the Earth? why life the way it is? why the planets and galaxies? why the four seasons? why the spinning and rotating earth?. If trials and tribulations of humans was the only goal, why the incredible intricacy of the universe? of matter and light? Is it because thats how He is? incredibly intricate and beautiful? then why the simplicity of purpose?

"Kun fa yakun"

Every emotion, feeling, response, movement, action and event is dictated by the physical movement of particles. Since it is impossible (as of now) to know the behavior and even existence of every particle, it is impossible (as of now) to predict future. If all the particles were to be known, based on the calculation of their trajectories and forces of their collisions we will easily be able to predict future. Outcome of every action, choice and movement. Is choice a paradox in itself? if the Creator is already aware of the outcome of every possible action and choice (and He would since He knows the outcome of the movement of every particle He has created) then what is choice? or does He know because everything that could ever happen has already happened?. Einstein and Schrodinger certainly thought so. The thought experiment with the cat led them to believe in the multiple paths of "reality", whatever reality is i.e. The outcome depending on the moment of observation. What is that precise moment? how small is it? the moment which determines the outcome of a choice? what defines the outcome in that infinitely small moment of time? or more accurately, what defines the path the old consciousness takes at the moment of observation. I referred to old consciousness because no matter how many possible paths may arise from a certain choice, there's only one the old consciousness will take. The old consciousness being the relative linear path of consciousness right before the moment of making a choice. However, if everything that can possibly happen, WILL happen and does happen then all the paths will be taken at the same time. All the possible choices will be chosen. In that case, the relative identity of the old consciousness does not remain distinct because it will be distributed evenly for each consciousness that emanates from that particular incident. Where each consciousness will not be aware of the other and can think of itself as the actual linear path that emerged.

"Death is the road to awe"

I need strength. I have only but one dream and any failure in its realization will render me incapable forever. Incapable of pleasure and happiness and most importantly; purpose. It is as clear to me as the light of day. There will be a void filled with despair. Time does heal most wounds but then there are some for which the time available is not enough. This will be among the latter.